If a deck runs out of cards it is not shuffled again.ģ.Activation Phase: Select one of your gruffs to act this turn.Ĥ.Play Cards Phase: Play ability cards equal or less to your Crazy stat.ĥ.Tactical Action Phase: Choose to attack or do other actions with the activated gruff. Mean is the offensive capacity, Fat the defensive capacity and Weird helps your shepherd Crazy stat.ġ.Resolution Phase where various effects are resolvedĢ.Draw phase: Draw a card from your deck. Gruffs have 3 characteristics Fat,Weird and Mean.
Also some shepherds have special abilities. There are also 5 behavior cards for each troll.Įvery shepherd has a life status, a crazy status (resources) and a breaking point which is a limit for specific cards when you build a deck. Trolls have Life, Rage (attack value), Fat (defensive value). Trolls count both as gruffs and shepherds and can be attacked from anywhere and targeted by cards that target both. On they turn, players arrange the 3 gruffs in front of them forming a line and begin the game with 5 cards.
Shuffle those 24 ability cards and form your deck. First of all, a player choose a shepherd, 3 gruffs and 8 ability cards from each gruff. The game plays solo or co-operative with a friend. In Gruff: Rage of the Trolls players are shepherds who assemble a team of mutated goats and fight vicious trolls to the death.